How to change the color of Venetian plaster in Miami

Venetian plaster will give you a luxurious wall finish and timeless elegance.  These qualities make Venetian plaster a popular choice among Miami homeowners and business owners.  After using Venetian plaster for many years, you may wish to refresh the look of your space by changing the color of your Venetian plaster.  If you simply want to adapt yourself to modern updates or want to repair discoloration or simply want to personalize your environment, changing the color of Venetian plaster can transform the aesthetic of any room.  

Many people have the question of how to paint over Venetian plaster.   If you want to successfully change the color of Venetian plaster in a humid climate like Miami, there are a few things you must consider.  The process involves careful preparation, precise application, and attention to detail to maintain the plaster’s unique texture and finish.   We will inform you about the step-by-step process through this guide.

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Preparation for changing the color of Venetian plaster

To successfully change the color of Venetian plaster, you need to follow the proper preparation process.  From collecting all the tools and materials required for color change to surface preparation, you have to do everything carefully and with time.  Always ensure that the surface is completely ready before applying the new color.

Gather Materials and Tools

New color pigment: You need to choose high-quality pigment for a new color that is compatible with Venetian plaster.  This pigment will determine how the new color will be, so you must select a good pigment.

Trowel: A good quality trowel should be used to apply plaster.  It should be ensured that the trowel is made of stainless steel, so then it is possible to work smoothly and evenly.

Sandpaper: Fine-grit sandpaper will be needed to smooth out the existing plaster and prepare it for the new application.

Premier: How you use Premier depends on several things, so you may or may not use it again.  Sometimes you can use Premier for better adhesion.

Protective gear: Since you may be exposed to various chemicals or dust for this work, you must wear the necessary protective gear such as gloves, a mask, and protective eyewear.

Drop cloths or painter tape: You need to use drop cloths and painter’s tape so that your surrounding area or your belongings are not damaged while the application processor is running. 

Related Article: Pros and Cons of Venetian Plaster Bathrooms in Miami

Assess the Existing Plaster

Check for Damage or Imperfections: The most important thing is to inspect whether there are any damage cracks, or chips on the Venetian plaster surface that you will paint anew.  If such things are found then they should be repaired before applying new paint.

Determine if Old Color Needs to Be Removed or Can Be Covered: If the Venetian plaster surface is already colored, it needs to be removed or covered

Surface Preparation

Cleaning the Surface: The most important and main task of surface preparation is to clean the surface thoroughly.   You can use a mild detergent or an appropriate cleaner for surface preparation.   It should be ensured that there is no dirt, grease, or other contaminants on the surface.  Due to these, proper adhesion of your new color will not be possible.

Many people use very harsh chemicals to perform the cleaning job, after which you may face damage, so a gentle non-abrasive cleaner is recommended.

Sanding the Surface: If imperfections are seen anywhere on the surface, then gently sand the surface of the plaster through fine-grit sandpaper.  As a result of this process, if there is any rough area on the plaster surface, it is possible to make it smooth and the new application process can be finished well.

Application Process

A. First Coat Application

Mixing the Pigment with Plaster:  The pigment you have chosen should be thoroughly mixed with the plaster.  It should be ensured that the color is evenly spread over all areas.   After that color test should be done by applying a small amount of plaster mixing to an inconspicuous area.

Applying the First Coat: A stainless steel trowel should be used to apply the first coat.  Hold the trowel at a slight angle and spread the plaster in thin even layers.   Always work in small sections to give a smooth finish.  This is very important for Miami’s warm climate.  Allow drying time after applying the first coat.  Drying time depends on humidity and temperature.  The second coat cannot be applied until the first coat is completely dry.

B. Second Coat Application

Ensuring Consistent Color and Texture: Mix a new batch of plaster with the pigment to apply the second coat.   To apply the second coat, the same technique as the first coat should be applied.  blend and smooth the plaster to create a uniform finish.  pay attention to areas where the first and second coats meet to avoid visible lines.

Drying and Curing Process: After the second coat application is complete, it should be given enough time to dry.  The second coat may take longer to dry than the first coat.  If there are any imperfections, they should be fixed before drying.

C. Polishing and Finishing

Achieving the Desired Sheen: After the second coat dries well, the surface should be polished using a clean trowel or a specialized brushing tool.  This process will increase the sheen and smoothness of your plaster.


Q: Can you change the color of Venetian plaster?

A: Yes, we can change the color of Venetian plaster by following the correct process.

Q: Can Venetian plaster be tinted?

A: Yes, Venetian plaster can be easily tinted with a mid-tone color.

Q: How do you change the color of plaster?

A: First, the color change step should be started by mixing the pigment with the plaster.  After preparing the Venetian plaster surface for painting, it is possible to change the color of the plaster by applying several layers to it.


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